Wholesale Pricing
Huge Selection
New items arriving monthly - Fabrics, Notions and More
call to inquire 416-658-2222
(a business number is required for all wholesale purchases)

Head Office

1450 Castlefield Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M6M 1Y6
tel: 416.658.2222
fax: 416.658.2219

Sales - Toronto Office

Janie Kallinis
tel: 416.658.2224 (direct line)
email: janiek@rose-e-dee.com

Maria Garcia
tel: 416.658.2222 ext 3424
email: mariag@rose-e-dee.com

Sales- Montreal Office

Peter Feingold
tel: 514.383.5767 (direct line)
email: peterf@rose-e-dee.com

Customer Relations

tel: 416.658.2222 ext 3402
email: sales@rose-e-dee.com


Please include your name and telephone number when emailing your request along with a detailed description of what you are inquiring about


Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 2:30pm